How you can help
If you are at all interested in helping our cause or maybe just giving up a few hours of your spare time here is how you can help.
Designated drivers
We are looking for drivers in any location to voluntary give up a few hours of their spare time to occasionally pick up a rescue dog and return it to us at hairy hounz rescue
Donations of money
No matter how small the donation of money you make it is always gratefully received and will go towards any medical treatment, Food, and other such items our rescue dogs may need while in our care during their stay here at Hairy Hounz.
Other donations
We are in desperate need of large dog beds, toys and tuggy ropes, Also dog brushes and combs for grooming.
Home Checkers
These will be people that would again in their spare time and on a voluntary bases go to possible adopters homes and check things such as suitable living conditions, secured gardens, and a general introduction to the family that wish to adopt one of our dogs.
Foster Carer
If you would like to volunteer to be a foster carer for hairy hounz. You will firstly have to undergo all necessary checks before you will be accepted, if successful we will contact you and arrange to visit you in your home where we will discuss the finer details of what is expected of our carers.
If you wish to apply to be a foster carer, home checker or designated driver please fill in the form below.