When it comes to buying your puppy, it is imperative that you have done as much research about the breed of dog that you want, before you make your purchase. Once you have done this you are able to make the decision as to what breed of dog is right for you. So many people do not think this through when deciding to have a dog join their family. People will either take a dog because it’s cheap or because it’s a puppy and it’s cute, but remember puppy’s grow up. Without any knowledge about the breed of a dog you really don’t know exactly what you’re taking on. And therefore, local shelters become so over run with unwanted dogs. So please do your research.
So let’s say you have chosen a breed of dog you like, done your research and now have him at home with you. The next step is to lay down some house rules and begin his training. This is so important and the earlier training begins the better behaved he will grow up to be. A dog with no boundaries can quickly become out of control and this can later show itself in many different ways the most common being behavioural problems. Training your pup in the early days will give you a better chance of owning a loving and loyal friend for life.
Questions you may want to ask the seller.
- Ask if it’s possible meet the pup’s parents.
- Ask about the parent’s temperament, bloodlines, and any health issues the breeders may be aware of.
- When he/she was last wormed or had any kind of flea treatment.
- Has the pup been vet checked and if so name and address of the vet.
- Feeding guide routine.
- Has the pup had any vaccinations to date?
- Any problems with the pup’s birth.
Below are just a few things to look out for when purchasing your pup.
- Bright clean eyes.
- Clean ears.
- Clean nostrils and a moist nose.
- Healthy teeth and gums.
- Check feet and nails.
- Nice shiny healthy looking coat.buying your puppy
- Study the pups and note which ones move forward, and are happy to make your acquaintance (pick the puppy that picks you),
a mutual attraction is the first step to good owner/dog relationship.
And last, but in no means least, don’t forget to get your puppy micro chipped and some kind of pet insurance. Remember the bigger the dog the bigger the vet bill.
If you are thinking of buying a puppy and can offer it a kind loving forever home, I wish you the best of luck in finding your new companion.
Enjoy the love loyalty and friendship that these animals can bring. But please give a thought to all the homeless dogs that are in rescue centres and shelters they too need loving homes. Thank you.
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